
Cebu to Liquid by car

A recent guest drove his car all the way from Cebu City direct to Liquid Resort.  He was then kind  enough to write a blog all about it. If you want to know how to reach us by private car then read our  latest blog entry.   http://liquiddive.net/blog/2011/10/30/drive-from-cebu-to-liquid/  

Week 3 Already

Adam is settling in to island diver life quite well:)Read this weeks blog installment to see exactly what he does on a typical day in paradise! http://liquiddive.net/blog/

Adam 2nd Week

Now an advanced diver with some bar tending duties under his belt.  Read on to see how Adam is enjoying life as a DMT. http://liquiddive.net/blog/

Adam our new DMT

Adam is our new Divemaster trainee candidate. All the way from sunny England he will be with us  forever:)….doing his PADI open water to PADI divemaster courses with us. Adam will be writing all  about his diving adventures through an ongoing blog at http://liquiddive.net/blog/

Adam Has Arrived

KAPPOWWWW. I have arrived at Liquid Dumaguete. Not in a fanfare or to a 21 gun salute, but in the only way I know best – sweaty, a little bit tired, massive bag on my shoulder (I had put my rucksack inside a larger dry bag to enhance its capacity) and a HUGE/excited smile on …

Adam Has Arrived Read More »

New Blog

Why the Philippines? We get asked this question a lot, so finally I wrote a blog explaining just    why we picked this country to settle down in. If you want to find out why, check out our blog at liquiddive.net/blog

Why the Philippines?

One of the most common questions we get asked is ‘why the Philippines?’ after all there are hundreds of different countries out there with fantastic diving, good schools and great communities to be a part of.  So what was it that made us settle down in this neck of the woods? The quirkiness of the …

Why the Philippines? Read More »